Edelrid Pinch vs. Petzl GriGri Review

Edelrid Pinch vs. Petzl GriGri Review

The Edelrid Pinch and Petzl GriGri are both assisted-braking belay devices with some slight differences. Here’s a break down of the pros and cons.

Edelrid Pinch


Constructed of an aluminium body with steel components, the Edelrid Pinch is compact and light , with an innovative attachment system that allows it to connect directly to the belay loop without a carabiner.

It offers both right- and left-handed operation, and includes an anti-panic function that can be permanently disabled.

The Edelrid Pinch is suitable for indoor, outdoor and multi-pitch climbing.


  • Direct attachment to the belay loop offers increased control and reduces brake hand trickery.
  • Slightly easier to use than the GriGri when it comes to braking/.
  • The anti-panic function adds to the safety, particularly for beginners.
  • Smooth Rope Handling: The linear rope run reduces tangles and gives way for smoother lowering and abseiling.


  • It’s a bit heavier compared to other assisted-braking devices.
  • Not currently as widely available as other brands.

Petzl GriGri


  • Like the Edelrid Pinch, the Petzl GriGri is made of an aluminium body with stainless steel components.
  • Design: It has the classical, time-proven design and includes a cam-assisted braking mechanism.
  • This feeding and lowering system is smooth and optimised for ropes between 8.5 and 11 mm.
  • Suitable for indoor, outdoor and multi-pitch climbing.


  • Proven Reliability: The GriGri has been considered the standard for over 30 years as far as belaying goes.
  • Feeds slack really smoothly and catches hold nicely and securely.
  • Auto-block function: Very handy in bringing up the second from above on a multi-pitch route.
  • Wide range of compatibility with different types of ropes.


  • Learning Curve: It does take some time to get the hang of the lead belaying technique with this device.
  • Weight and Bulk: A bit bulkier compared to other devices.
  • Price: Generally pricier than other belay devices.


The Edelrid Pinch and the Petzl GriGri are magnificent belay devices; each has its strengths. Whereas the Edelrid Pinch will be a great option for those seeking ease of use and added safety due to its innovative features, direct attachment, and anti-panic function, the Petzl GriGri still is one of the gold standards within the climbing community because of its great reliability and smooth operation.

In the end, it’s going to boil down to personal preference and particular needs. If you want something really innovative and very easy to use, then the Edelrid Pinch is a great bet. If you are one of those people who prefer their devices time-tested, more versatile, and with an extremely long service history, then look no further than the Petzl GriGri.